Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Free University eLearning from MIT

I just came across MIT Open Courseware which gives away free video, audio lectures to most of the courses that are actually being taught at MIT. They are also giving away course syllabus, handouts and lecture notes as PDF files. All free, under the Commons Public License.

So why should you be interested?? Have you ever been interested in attending the MIT "Introduction to Algorithms" course but could afford it. Now you can attend the course for free, from anywhere in the world. Of course you cannot ask the professor any questions but you can have him repeat the lecture over and over again.

This material is also beneficial for universities who can adapt their curriculum to that of MIT.

The material is not only limited to Computers. They have material from all their departments:

Definitely a good source for those stuck in their working lives not able to attend a university to learn something new.

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