I had written a short blog about SIP earlier as to free software available for setting up SIP servers and free SIP clients for almost any internet connected device you can think of.
I came across 2 new things today.
SJ Labs is the creator of a couple of free SIP based voice call programs for Windows, Linux, Mac and Windows CE.
I also came across the
Free World Dialup website which gives access to free SIP servers. This means that you can connect to these servers using any SIP client program and can talk to other SIP clients online for free.
Some may ask "
Why not just use Skype?". I guess at the end of the day it all depends on is hoe many users will be using SIP and how many will end up using Skype. Since SIP is an open voice call format, there are far more programs available for it on almost any device you can think of than what Skype can ever dream of supporting.
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